*Information: Children’s health examination in December 2024 ・Venue: Ogaki City Public Health Center (TEL 0584-75-2322) ・Booking is not necessary, and the examination is free of charge. ・Items to bring: your maternity passbook (BOSHI KENKO TECHO) and a pre-examination slip.
<Health checkup for 10-month-old children> ・Children born in January 2024 ・Dates:December 3 (TUE), 4(WED), and 5(THU) ・Reception :13:00〜13:40
<Health checkup for 18-month-old children> ・Children born in May 2023 ・Dates:December 10 (TUE), 11(WED), and 12(THU) ・Reception :12:50〜13:20
<Health checkup for 3-year-old children> ・Children born in November 2021 ・Dates:December 17(TUE), 18(WED), and 19(THU) ・Reception :12:30〜13:15 ・Bring a urine sample and a questionnaire, other than BOSHI TECHO and a pre-examination slip.
<Health checkup for 4-month-old children> ・Children born in August 2024 ・Dates:December 24(TUE), 25(WED), and 26(THU) ・Reception :13:00〜13:40 ------------------------------------------------------ Ogaki City has prepared a "Living Guidebook for Foreign Residents" in Portuguese, Chinese, English, and "plain Japanese" for foreign residents, which contains useful information for daily life such as garbage disposal and child-rearing.
Here is a part of the guidebook.
【26】The City’s Consultation Services 〇Consultation service for foreign residents ・Interpreters in Portuguese, English, and Chinese are available. ※City Hall Community Life Enhancement Division 0584-47-8546 〇Multilingual consultation service ・Consultation service in English and Chinese ・Consultation service for citizens in Portuguese ・Psychological counseling in Portuguese for Brazilians (appointment required). ※Ogaki International Exchange Association 2nd floor Learning Hall, SUITOPIA Center 0584-82-2311 〇Administrative procedure consultation for foreign residents ・Consultation on administrative procedure including renewal of visa, international marriage and divorce by administrative lawyer (appointment required) ※Ogaki International Exchange Association 2nd floor Learning Hall, SUITOPIA Center 0584-82-2311 〇Legal consultation ・Confide in an attorney about a problem you are having and receive legal advice (appointment required). ※City Hall Community Life Enhancement Division 0584-47-8543 ※Ogaki International Exchange Association 2nd floor SUITOPIA Center 0584-82-2311 〇Counseling for women ・Consultation for women to talk about their personal problems (appointment required). ※Gender Equality Promotional Office, SUITOPIA Center 0584-47-7188 〇Traffic accident consultation ・Consultations on traffic accidents ※City Hall Crisis Management Office 0584-47-7386 〇Consumer affairs consultation ・Consultation regarding troubles related to shopping and contracts ※City Hall Consumer Affairs Consultation Room 0584-75-3371 〇Human rights consultation ・You can consult about discrimination and bullying against foreign citizens. ※City Hall Human Rights Protection Office 0584-47-8576 ※Kamiishizu Regional Office 0584-45-3111 ※Sunomata Regional Office 0584-62-3111 〇Tax consultation on holidays and evening hours ・Consultation regarding payment of municipal tax ※City Hall Revenue Division 0584-47-8729
The "Guidebook for Foreign Residents of Japan" contains a lot of other information. Click on the following link. https://www.city.ogaki.lg.jp/0000049650.html
・Venue: Ogaki City Public Health Center (TEL 0584-75-2322)
・Booking is not necessary, and the examination is free of charge.
・Items to bring: your maternity passbook (BOSHI KENKO TECHO) and a pre-examination slip.
<Health checkup for 10-month-old children>
・Children born in January 2024
・Dates:December 3 (TUE), 4(WED), and 5(THU)
・Reception :13:00〜13:40
<Health checkup for 18-month-old children>
・Children born in May 2023
・Dates:December 10 (TUE), 11(WED), and 12(THU)
・Reception :12:50〜13:20
<Health checkup for 3-year-old children>
・Children born in November 2021
・Dates:December 17(TUE), 18(WED), and 19(THU)
・Reception :12:30〜13:15
・Bring a urine sample and a questionnaire, other than BOSHI TECHO and a pre-examination slip.
<Health checkup for 4-month-old children>
・Children born in August 2024
・Dates:December 24(TUE), 25(WED), and 26(THU)
・Reception :13:00〜13:40
Ogaki City has prepared a "Living Guidebook for Foreign Residents" in Portuguese, Chinese, English, and "plain Japanese" for foreign residents, which contains useful information for daily life such as garbage disposal and child-rearing.
Here is a part of the guidebook.
【26】The City’s Consultation Services
〇Consultation service for foreign residents
・Interpreters in Portuguese, English, and Chinese are available.
※City Hall Community Life Enhancement Division 0584-47-8546
〇Multilingual consultation service
・Consultation service in English and Chinese
・Consultation service for citizens in Portuguese
・Psychological counseling in Portuguese for Brazilians (appointment required).
※Ogaki International Exchange Association
2nd floor Learning Hall, SUITOPIA Center 0584-82-2311
〇Administrative procedure consultation for foreign residents
・Consultation on administrative procedure including renewal of visa, international marriage and divorce by administrative lawyer (appointment required)
※Ogaki International Exchange Association
2nd floor Learning Hall, SUITOPIA Center 0584-82-2311
〇Legal consultation
・Confide in an attorney about a problem you are having and receive legal advice
(appointment required).
※City Hall Community Life Enhancement Division 0584-47-8543
※Ogaki International Exchange Association 2nd floor SUITOPIA Center 0584-82-2311
〇Counseling for women
・Consultation for women to talk about their personal problems (appointment required).
※Gender Equality Promotional Office, SUITOPIA Center 0584-47-7188
〇Traffic accident consultation
・Consultations on traffic accidents
※City Hall Crisis Management Office 0584-47-7386
〇Consumer affairs consultation
・Consultation regarding troubles related to shopping and contracts
※City Hall Consumer Affairs Consultation Room 0584-75-3371
〇Human rights consultation
・You can consult about discrimination and bullying against foreign citizens.
※City Hall Human Rights Protection Office 0584-47-8576
※Kamiishizu Regional Office 0584-45-3111
※Sunomata Regional Office 0584-62-3111
〇Tax consultation on holidays and evening hours
・Consultation regarding payment of municipal tax
※City Hall Revenue Division 0584-47-8729
The "Guidebook for Foreign Residents of Japan" contains a lot of other information.
Click on the following link.
*12月(がつ)の こどもの 健診(けんしん)
・場所(ばしょ)は 保健(ほけん)センター
(TEL 0584-75-2322)
・予約(よやく)も おかねも いりません
・2024年(ねん)1月(がつ)に うまれた 子(こ)
・2023年(ねん)5月(がつ)に うまれた 子(こ)
・2021年(ねん)11月(がつ)に うまれた 子(こ)
・母子健康手帳(ぼしけんこうてちょう)と 健診票(けんしんひょう)のほかに 検尿(けんにょう)と アンケートを もってきて ください。
・2024年(ねん)8月(がつ)に うまれた 子(こ)
大垣市(おおがきし)では 外国人市民(がいこくじんしみん)のために、 ゴミ出(だ)し、子育(こそだ)て などの 生活(せいかつ)に 役(やく)に立(た)つ 情報(じょうほう)を のせた 「外国人市民(がいこくじんしみん)の ための くらしの ガイドブック」を、ポルトガル語(ご)、中国語(ちゅうごくご)、英語(えいご)、「やさしい日本語(にほんご)」で 作(つく)っています。
ここでは、その一部(いちぶ)を 紹介(しょうかい)します。
【26】こまったときに 相談(そうだん)(=はなしあい)する ところ
・ポルトガル語(ご)・英語(えいご)・中国語(ちゅうごくご)で 相談(そうだん)できます
〇外国語(がいこくご)による 相談(そうだん)
・英語(えいご)・中国語(ちゅうごくご)で 相談(そうだん)できます
・ポルトガル(るとがる)語(ご)で 相談(そうだん)できます
・ポルトガル語(ご)で 心の相談(そうだん)ができます(よやくが いります)
・行政(ぎょうせい)書士(しょし)に 相談(そうだん)します (よやくが いります)
・事件(じけん)・事故(じこ) などの ことを 相談(そうだん)します(よやくが いります)
・女(おんな)の 人(ひと)の なやみを 相談(そうだん)します(よやくが いります)
・交通(こうつう)事故(じこ)の ことを 相談(そうだん)します
・かいものや、けいやくの こまったことを 相談(そうだん)します
※市(し)役所(やくしょ)消費(しょうひ)生活(せいかつ)相談室(そうだんしつ)( 0584-75-3371)
・外国人(がいこくじん)のさべつや、いじめの ことを 相談(そうだん)します
※市(し)役所(やくしょ)人権(じんけん)擁護(ようご)推進室(すいしんしつ)( 0584-47-8546)
※上石津(かみいしづ)地域(ちいき)事務所(じむしょ)( 0584-45-3111)
※墨俣(すのまた)地域(ちいき)事務所(じむしょ)( 0584-62-3111)
・ぜいきんを はらう 方法(ほうほう)を 相談(そうだん)します
※市(し)役所(やくしょ)収納課(しゅうのうか)( 0584-47-8729)
「外国人市民(がいこくじんしみん)の ための くらしの ガイドブック」には、他(ほか)にも たくさんの 情報(じょうほう)が 載(の)っています。
次(つぎ)の リンクから 見(み)られます。