Ogaki City will hold a party to celebrate those who have turned 20. Those who live in Ogaki City and are eligible for the occasion will receive a letter around the end of November.
Invitees: People born between 2 April 2004 and 1 April 2005.
Date/time: 13 January 2025, Monday, a national holiday, starting at 10am. Registration opens at 9:00 a.m.
Venue: Ogaki Forum Hotel (2-31 Mangoku, Ogaki City)
For further information, please contact SHIMIN KATSUDO SUISHIN-KA (Civic Activities Promotion Division). Telephone: 0584-47-7184, ------------------------------------------------------ Ogaki City has prepared a "Living Guidebook for Foreign Residents" in Portuguese, Chinese, English, and "plain Japanese" for foreign residents, which contains useful information for daily life such as garbage disposal and child-rearing.
Here is a part of the guidebook.
【27】Ogaki’s Festivals and Events 【Ogaki Festival】 This festival has a 370-year tradition and is representative of the castle town of OGAKI. Thirteen colorful floats parade through the city center to the accompaniment of flutes and drums, performances using string puppets, called KARAKURI, children's dances and other entertainments. At night, the lanterns that light up the floats provide a fantastic sight for spectators to enjoy. The festival was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2016. The Ogaki Festival is held on the Saturday and Sunday immediately preceding 15 May every year. 〇Mizu-no-Miyako Ogaki Funakudari (a short boat trip down the Suimon River) Late March to mid-April 〇The Spring Basho Festival Early April 〇Mizu-no-Miyako Ogaki Tarai-bune (a short river cruise on a boat in the shape of TARAI, a Japanese wash tub) Late April to early May 〇SUITO Festival Early August 〇JUMANGOKU Festival Mid-October 〇National Haiku-Sumo Championship held close to the anniversary of the Haiku poet Basho's death, in memory of his legacy Mid-October 〇BASHO-GENROKU Ogaki Illumination Late November to late January ※Ogaki Tourist Association 2-26-1, Funamachi, Ogaki City 0584-77-4535
The "Guidebook for Foreign Residents of Japan" contains a lot of other information. Click on the following link. https://www.city.ogaki.lg.jp/0000049650.html
Ogaki City will hold a party to celebrate those who have turned 20.
Those who live in Ogaki City and are eligible for the occasion will receive a letter around the end of November.
Invitees: People born between 2 April 2004 and 1 April 2005.
Date/time: 13 January 2025, Monday, a national holiday, starting at 10am.
Registration opens at 9:00 a.m.
Venue: Ogaki Forum Hotel (2-31 Mangoku, Ogaki City)
For further information, please contact SHIMIN KATSUDO SUISHIN-KA (Civic Activities Promotion Division). Telephone: 0584-47-7184,
Ogaki City has prepared a "Living Guidebook for Foreign Residents" in Portuguese, Chinese, English, and "plain Japanese" for foreign residents, which contains useful information for daily life such as garbage disposal and child-rearing.
Here is a part of the guidebook.
【27】Ogaki’s Festivals and Events
【Ogaki Festival】
This festival has a 370-year tradition and is representative of the castle town of OGAKI. Thirteen colorful floats parade through the city center to the accompaniment of flutes and drums, performances using string puppets, called KARAKURI, children's dances and other entertainments.
At night, the lanterns that light up the floats provide a fantastic sight for spectators to enjoy.
The festival was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2016.
The Ogaki Festival is held on the Saturday and Sunday immediately preceding 15 May every year.
〇Mizu-no-Miyako Ogaki Funakudari
(a short boat trip down the Suimon River)
Late March to mid-April
〇The Spring Basho Festival
Early April
〇Mizu-no-Miyako Ogaki Tarai-bune
(a short river cruise on a boat in the shape of TARAI, a Japanese wash tub)
Late April to early May
〇SUITO Festival
Early August
〇National Haiku-Sumo Championship held close to the anniversary of the Haiku poet Basho's death, in memory of his legacy
〇BASHO-GENROKU Ogaki Illumination
Late November to late January
※Ogaki Tourist Association
2-26-1, Funamachi, Ogaki City 0584-77-4535
The "Guidebook for Foreign Residents of Japan" contains a lot of other information.
Click on the following link.
*20歳(はたち)の お祝(いわ)い
・大垣市(おおがきし)は、20歳(さい)になった人(ひと)たちを お祝(いわ)いする 会(かい)を 開(ひら)きます。
・大垣市(おおがきし)に 住(す)んでいる人(ひと)で、対象(たいしょう)となる人(ひと)には、11月(がつ)の 終(お)わりごろに 案内(あんない)の 手紙(てがみ)が 届(とど)いています。
参加(さんか)できる人(ひと): 2004年(ねん)4月(がつ)2日(にち)から 2005年(ねん)4月(がつ)1日(にち)までに 生(う)まれた人(ひと)
いつ: 2025年(ねん)1月(がつ)13日(にち)(げつようび) 午前(ごぜん)10時(じ)から 始(はじ)まります (受付(うけつけ)は 午前(ごぜん)9時(じ)から)
どこで: 大垣(おおがき)フォーラムホテル (大垣市(おおがきし)万石(まんごく)2-31)
わからないことがあったら: 市民活動推進課(しみんかつどうすいしんか)に 電話(でんわ)してください
大垣市(おおがきし)では 外国人市民(がいこくじんしみん)のために、 ゴミ出(だ)し、子育(こそだ)て などの 生活(せいかつ)に 役(やく)に立(た)つ 情報(じょうほう)を のせた 「外国人市民(がいこくじんしみん)の ための くらしの ガイドブック」を、ポルトガル語(ご)、中国語(ちゅうごくご)、英語(えいご)、「やさしい日本語(にほんご)」で 作(つく)っています。
ここでは、その一部(いちぶ)を 紹介(しょうかい)します。
【27】大垣(おおがき)の おおきな まつり、イベント
370年(ねん) いじょう つづく おおきな まつりです。
ふえや たいこの 音楽(おんがく)と いっしょに 13の かざりの ついた きれいな くるまが まちの なかを まわります。
夜(よる)は、くるまに あかりが ついて、とても きれいです。
2016年(ねん)に 「ユネスコ無形(むけい)文化(ぶんか)遺産(いさん)」に なりました。
大垣(おおがき)まつりは、毎年(まいとし)5月(がつ)15日(にち)の すぐまえの 土(ど)よう・日(にち)ように あります。
〇奥(おく)の細道(ほそみち)むすびの地(ち)大垣(おおがき) 春(はる)の芭蕉(ばしょう)祭(さい)
「外国人市民(がいこくじんしみん)の ための くらしの ガイドブック」には、他(ほか)にも たくさんの 情報(じょうほう)が 載(の)っています。
次(つぎ)の リンクから 見(み)られます。